WANTED : « Men and women wanted for hazardous journey. No wages. Spartan lifestyle, hard work and ruthless crew. Commitment and courtesy required. Recruitment is severe and non-inclusive. Priority given to social or physical misfits. Normal people should refrain from applying. Honour and recognition guaranteed in case of success. “
We want you! Team Jolokia is recruiting again!
Team Jolokia is looking for new crew members for the 2017 season. The recruitment process will take part from Monday 7th November (20h) to Sunday 11th December (23h59).
Are you willing to apply? You think somebody in your entourage would be excited about this kind of adventure? Then don’t hesitate to share this link https://www.teamjolokia.org/embarquez-avec-nous/devenir-equipier/ to let them know about Team Jolokia’s recruitment, open from today at 20h until Sunday 11th December.
To rekindle this selection process, Team Jolokia will actively share contents, videos and pictures through its official website www.teamjolokia.com and social media (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram) during the next 5 weeks. Remember: Submission deadline is Sunday 11th December (23h59)!
Do you have what it takes to join the team? Then visit our site, we are waiting for your applications!
#EmbarquezTJ2017 #EmbarkTJ2017