par Team jolokia | Jan 5, 2017 | A la une, Actualité, Non classifié(e)
Toute l’équipe de Team Jolokia vous souhaite une excellente année 2017 !
par Team jolokia | Nov 7, 2016 | Non classifié(e)
WANTED : « Men and women wanted for hazardous journey. No wages. Spartan lifestyle, hard work and ruthless crew. Commitment and courtesy required. Recruitment is severe and non-inclusive. Priority given to social or physical misfits. Normal people should refrain from...
par Team jolokia | Août 19, 2016 | Non classifié(e)
From September 14th to October 28th, the FIAP Jean Monnet hostel will host Team Jolokia’s exhibition to make it available to the general public. The works are displayed in two shutters: the first one presents the concept diversity ‘made in’ Team Jolokia; the second...
par Team jolokia | Juil 26, 2016 | Non classifié(e)
Team Jolokia’s skipper, Pierre Meisel, and the Team’s official illustrator, Guillaume De Bats, have been guests at the ‘Temps d’un bivouac’ radio show, broadcasted by France Inter on Thursday 21st July. The show is available under the following...
par Team jolokia | Juil 13, 2016 | Non classifié(e)
That’s it! Our photo contest ‘Les Vacances du Piment’ is over…Congratulations to Bastien L, who submitted this beautiful picture with hot-air balloons in the background! The lucky winner will have the chance to join the diversity crew onboard Team Jolokia for...
par Team jolokia | Juil 11, 2016 | Non classifié(e)
Inauguration of the exhibition and book signing at the French Social Ministries From left to right: Guillaume De Bats (author of the book ‘Marins d’Audace’), Pierre Meisel (Director of Team Jolokia), Joël Blondel (DRH), François Barastier (DICOM) and Pierre Ricordeau...